Classroom Updates
I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend! I know I did and am ready for the holidays.
Just a couple things for this week. We will finish up some testing this week. Make sure your children are at school.
Tuesday, we will have pictures with Santa. The pictures will take place after school. Kindergarten from 12:50-2:00 and the rest of the school from 2:19-4:00. Pictures will be in room 203. I will direct you on where to go when you pick up your child. The cost of pictures will be $3.00.
Thursday, we will be making our gingerbread houses. If you are signed up to help, please be here @8:20 so that we can start by 8:30. I have maybe 7 parents on the list to help. Remember, you need to be on the list in order for the office let you through to the classroom. Please let me know by Tuesday if you are coming in to help.
I have one parent who has volunteered to donate donuts for our movie after lunch. Is there anyone who would like to do milk or hot chocolate? Let me know by Tuesday. Thank you so much for volunteering!