Janalee Cripe » Welcome!


I am so excited for the new school year. We're going to have a great year!



Good Afternoon!
I hope your children have enjoyed the past few days with the substitute. I don't like to miss but my family does come first and my son had ac couple doctors appointments. I will be back on Monday.
I have started to test some students with letter/sound recognition. I have a few that will start the reading programs on Monday. So be on the look out for the manila envelopes. 
A few items of school business:
PENNIES FOR POUNDS- start collecting your change and bring it in. Little Lake will donate the change to the Animal Shelter.
ATTENDANCE- Our class had the best attendance at 97% last month. Our reward will be ice cream sandwiches on Monday. Keep up the attendance. Tardies will affect our percentage. So be at school on time.
SOCK HOP- Next Friday, Sept 15th from 6-8 pm in the MPR Little Lake will be hosting our first family activity. Come dressed up and ready to dance. Tickets are on sale in the office for $2 each. There will be snack bar items on sale at the dance.
CONFERENCE WEEK-September 25th-29th will be parent/teacher conferences. Monday- Friday will be early dismissal at 10:54. I will be sending conference date and times on Monday. I will need you to send them back as soon as possible to confirm the date/time. Thank you!
I hope you all have a great weekend!


 I want to thank you for signing up on my website. This will make it easier to communicate with about what is happening in the classroom. 
A couple days ago I sent home updated information about the computer programs your children can log onto at home. We are using Imagine Learning and GIGI only. Many of you were unable to log onto Imagine Learning due to a server address or code. The code is 0616920. If you are using a tablet, iPad or Mac you will have to download the app. Using this program will help your child tremendously. It has a great impact on their academic progression. With GIGI, we have used the program twice this past week. In order to log on at home they will need to know their 13 picture password. As of right now, they only know 8. We will be logging onto GIGI every Wednesday. So, if your child is unable to log on, wait another week.
Hope you all enjoy your 3 day weekend!
I still need a class set of highlighters!!


 I am so excited for the new school year! Your children are doing a great job with learning procedures and rules. We have had some fun lessons thus far. Today they read their first book. You should have seen their eyes when we finished reading. The transformation that you will see with your children this year with what they will learn, will be amazing!