Susan Whitmire » Homework


1. Students must bring their home folders every day. Papers on the "keep" side, such as papers completed at school, can be kept at home. Homework should be on the "return" side to be returned to school.
2. A language arts (reading and writing) packet will usually be sent home on Fridays. It is due by the next Friday. It can be turned in early if completed.
3. A math homework page will usually be sent home every day and is due the next school day. On days when we have a math test, a regular homework page will not be sent home. Instead, a math game may be sent home, and that can be played as "homework."
4. Spelling lists and homework will begin during the 3rd quarter.
5. When a student is absent, he/she can get missed work upon returning to school.
6. Students must be responsible to write their name on all homework!
7. Thank you, parents/guardians for helping your child complete his/her homework.