Ugly Sweater and Holiday Headgear Day Thurs Dec 14 Shake out your Ugly Sweater and Holiday Head Gear and wear it on Thurs Dec 14.
Monster Ball Get your costume ready and join us for an evening of fun, Friday October 20. Dinner, Dance and Raffles all for the price of $8.00 . Bring the whole family!!!
Veteran's Day Flag Ceremony Please join us as we honor those selfless individuals members of all the branches of the military and our first responders during a Flag Ceremony November 9, at 7:45 am.
Little Lake will be a Closed Campus this Year Closed Campus Starts August 14. Why are we doing this? To keep your child safe! Last year, a vast majority of parents and staff requested this on surveys.
FUN RUN SCHEDULE Hello... there's been some changes to the the Fun Run Schedule please see attached link.
New to Little Lake? If you recently moved within Little Lake's attendance boundaries and need to enroll your child, please visit the Centralized Student Services Center at 2085 West Acacia Avenue.