
 I want to thank you for signing up on my website. This will make it easier to communicate with about what is happening in the classroom. 
A couple days ago I sent home updated information about the computer programs your children can log onto at home. We are using Imagine Learning and GIGI only. Many of you were unable to log onto Imagine Learning due to a server address or code. The code is 0616920. If you are using a tablet, iPad or Mac you will have to download the app. Using this program will help your child tremendously. It has a great impact on their academic progression. With GIGI, we have used the program twice this past week. In order to log on at home they will need to know their 13 picture password. As of right now, they only know 8. We will be logging onto GIGI every Wednesday. So, if your child is unable to log on, wait another week.
Hope you all enjoy your 3 day weekend!
I still need a class set of highlighters!!