Kimberley Maywald » A.R. Expectations

A.R. Expectations

Students are allowed to take out 2 books each week. Families may visit the library after school to select additional books. You may also access the computer lab off the library with your children during the extra hour after school that Mrs. West is in the library.
Those students reading at grade level will be expected to take out one chapter book at their reading level, as well as one non-fiction book (usually at a lower level to start). The Common Core standards for 4th grade expect 50% fiction and 50% non-fiction throughout the year. I expect these students to take the A.R. test for each book they have selected, and pass with at least 80% proficiency. Students making this weekly effort do very well academically.
Students not yet at grade level will concentrate on fiction selections until comprehension improves. They will need to test on each book and pass with 80% proficiency as well. They will also need to read more than just two books each week to improve reading skills. When their skills improve, I will introduce non-fiction books for these students.
I have found that A.R. reading has a strong impact on academic success. The more you read, the better you get! To maintain skills, it is important to read regularly. READ  READ READ!